Fair Working Policy

GCM is committed to fair working practice and we have noted below:

• All our employees are on above the living wage and are contracted to a minimum 40 hour week – we want to ensure that our employees are contractually secure and are on a wage that supports them and their family
• We comply fully with workplace standards and labour laws. We ensure that our employees have clarity on their workplace rights including discrimination, health and safety obligations
• We offer part-time work and working from home where possible – we wish to be flexible and ensure that our staff can still work with us even if their personal circumstances change eg maternity leave, single parent, disability and carer. We at present eg at the moment we have someone on maternity leave who has a plan to transition back to work and as part of this we allow working from home, daycare options and reduced workload. We also have a single-parent dad who we ensure does not work away. We know that one shoe does not fit all.

We have apprentices ( who are on above standard rates) and ensure that they have a clear line of training and support both within GCM and externally where required. Each one has a mentor and clear training development path – we ensure that the type of work that they are involved in varies to ensure that they qualify with multiple experiences eg refurbishment, new build, fire damage, etc…
• We have a child–parent – grandparent process for ensuring that there are quarterly reviews with each member of staff and they can see a clear line of progression. This ensures that there is no discrimination, harassment, victimisation and that everyone has a clear opportunity for advancement – we ensure that training is up to date in all areas and will support training at all levels
• We have a workforce that is diverse in age, gender, race and beliefs – we want our employees ( including subcontractors ) to have an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfillment and respect. – we have monthly meetings with the director to ensure that staff at all levels can have their voice heard
• We operate a bonus scheme, pension scheme and sick pay scheme

It is important to us that we ensure each employee has:

1. Security – Security of employment, work and income are important foundations eg above living wage, 40 hour minimum contracts, flexible working, opportunity for progression, bonus, sick pay and pension
2. Respect – That all employees have opportunities to change working hours, place of work where possible, ensuring that we have well-understood practices regarding health and safety and their well being
3. Opportunity – we have robust recruitment and selection procedures. Our training and development opportunities are identified through mentoring and quarterly assessments through the child-parent- grandparent process. We have buddying and mentoring schemes in place – not just for the apprentices but throughout GCM to ensure constant development and support
4. Fulfilment and an Effective Voice– We believe that this is a key factor in both the individuals and GCM as a company well being. We ensure that all of our staff and subcontractors know that we appreciate their skills, their voice and their commitment to GCM. We allow them to both take their own initiative to allow them to have control over decisions. They are fully supported and this is achieved through training, investment and skills development

Our philosophy is NOT what if we train them and they leave BUT what if we don’t train them and they STAY.

Our people both employees and subcontractors are our business and as a forward-thinking company, GCM believe in investing in the people that make our business successful in every area

Building on success. We have a track record to be proud of. We can work for you too.