

Client: Newton Property Management, Tollcross, Glasgow

Damage: In June 2018 a huge fire broke out on the roof of a 4 storey block of flats in the east end of Glasgow. The fire damage was mostly to the roof and the top floor of the flats. However, as the firefighters worked to put out this fire the water damage was extensive and affected all of the flats in the building. The adjoining building incurred minimal damage

Challenges: There were a number of challenges including the close proximity to other residents (the damaged building had an adjoining building which was occupied throughout the restoration). We had to therefore have enhanced safety and noise limitation measures in place. There was scaffolding and a tent on the entire building which we inherited. We also had 16 owners with 16 different specifications that they wanted to ensure that they had the choice of kitchens, flooring, decoration and each with different utility providers.

We were appointed main contractor in Jan 2019 and the work to rebuild included:
• The removal of damaged walls and timber frame
• The removal of areas of floor structure and internal walling
• The removal of ceiling wall and floor finishes and internal joinery, windows and external doorS
• TheRenewal of Roof
• TheRenewal of Curtain wall and smoke vent system
• TheRenewal of door entry system with intercom system
• TheRenewal of communal satellite system
• TheThe removal of electrical, heating and plumbing installations including reinstatement of services
• TheThe reinstatement of the building structure including roof trusses, roof finishes and rain water goods
• TheThe reinstatement of the external walls including brickwork and timber frame
• TheThe reinstatement of internal ceilings, walls and floors including timber structure, framing and finishes
• TheReinstatement of doors, windows and internal joinery including kitchen
• TheThe reinstatement of plumbing installations including bathrooms and en-suites together with gas fired heating systems
• TheThe renewal of electrical systems including power, lighting, ventilation, smoke detection and access systems
• TheRenewal of floor finishes and redecoration
• TheLandscaping repairs

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To successfully complete all works to a high standard while maintaining public safety and minimising disruption to residents, we completed rigorous risk assessments and implement clear risk management processes.

During site set up, our Operatives clearly define site boundaries.

To ensure the safety of staff, residents and the public, we erect and maintain hoarding throughout the contract.

To minimise the impact of contracted works, we were in continual contact with the client, loss adjuster, Quantity Surveyor and residents both prior to commencement and we also scheduled works at times that cause the least disruption especially the delivery of materials, plant and skips.

Working efficiently to a high standard, we were able to complete the work one month ahead of schedule, under budget and avoiding any over-run costs. We did this by effectively planning works prior to commencement and efficiently managing each phase of the contract with our approved subcontractors and suppliers.

By implementing our enhanced safety measures, we successfully mitigated safety risks, resulting in zero reportable accidents.

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